This and any other drops, including those from lore rooms, will always be infected with Malaise on 5 BSC. Another guaranteed piece of food will be found in a wall rune.
There will always be 1 clean piece of food in any one biome, dropping from an enemy. Minor food gives 50 points (1 bar) and major food gives 150 points (3 bars) of malaise.
The amount of malaise given depends on if the food is major or minor. If untouched by the player, it will be chosen as 'Carnivore.' Both types of food can add Malaise on Hell difficulty if the piece of food is infected. There are 2 different functional types of food, each with 7 different appearances depending on the selected diet, which is altered by game settings. Food regenerates a fixed percentage of health when eaten (+65% health restored if the Gastronomy mutation is active, half as much health restored if the Dead Inside mutation is active).